Gerusa de Alkmim Radicchi

Associate Member -Brazil (April 2019)

Universitat Politècnica de València

Gerusa Radicchi develops PhD at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) since 2015 about the topic of the “in situ” conservation of the excavated archaeological objects in the South Shetland Archipelago by the Laboratory of Antarctic Studies in Human Science of the Federal University of Minas Gerais  ̶  Leach/UFMG (Brazil), of which she has been a member since 2010. She has been received training from institutions involved in the study and protection of archaeological remains from underwater environments, such as the Center for Humanities  ̶  CHAM, at the New University of Lisbon, and the Atelier of conservation Research  ̶  ARC-Nucléart, at Committee of  Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies (France). Has Undergraduate degree in History (2005), undergraduate degree in Conservation (2012) and master degree in Anthropology (2015), both from UFMG. Has experience in preservation of the archaeological heritage, Antarctic Archaeology and treatment of archaeological materials.

Research projects/interests

White Landscapes: Archaeology and Anthropology in Antarctica, from Laboratory of Antarctic Studies in Human Science Leach/UFMG (Brazil).

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Areas of interest 

Conservation of archaeologic heritage

Wet Organic Archeological Materials

Historical archaeology

Archaeology in Antarctica



Conservation of archaeological heritage; Organic materials conservation in Archeology; Historical Archaeology; Archaeology in Antarctica; Polar Heritage.