Francesca Earthorne

Expert Member – Aotearoa New Zealand (September 2023)

Executive Director,  Antarctic Heritage Trust

Francesca joined the Trust in 2016 and worked as its Chief Operations Officer until being appointed as the Executive Director in 2023. 

Francesca was lucky to work on the conservation team in Antarctica for part of the 2019-2020 season where she got to experience first-hand the legacy the Trust cares for.

Francesca is passionate about sharing the Trust’s stories. She has been responsible for creating a connected and new global online audience for the Trust and leading the creation of fully immersive virtual reality experiences of the Antarctic explorer bases to share with the world.

Francesca’s background spans both commercial and non-for-profit sectors with expertise in business operations, people leadership and strategic communications. She is an accomplished public speaker and regularly gives presentations around New Zealand and the world.

Research projects/interests

Heritage conservation in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica

Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration

Leadership/Mentorship/Inspiration of young people

Virtual reality applications for the conservation and interpretation of historic sites

To get in touch:


Polar Heritage, Antarctica, Aotearoa New Zealand, Ross Sea, Leadership, Strategy